Mogford Prize


Apr 7, 2019

No stranger to receiving short story awards, Elisabeth Ingram Wallace was the winner of the 2019 Mogford Prize for Food & Drink Writing with her short story ‘Corvidae’. Elisabeth’s entry was selected from 1,019 entries by Jeremy Mogford, along with two guest judges: Julian Barnes, one of Britain’s most talented and acclaimed authors and winner of the Man Booker Prize, and Tim Hayward, contributing writer for the Financial Times and winner of the Restaurant Writing Award at the Guild of Food Writers Awards in 2018.

The 2019 runners-up for the Mogford Prize were: American-born April Pierce with ‘The Afterparty’; the acclaimed and respected journalist, John Simpson with ‘The Last Night at the Palazzo‘ and British journalist, Tahira Yaqoob with ‘Café Beirut’.


Elisabeth Ingram Wallace lives in Glasgow, Scotland. She writes flash fiction, short stories, and is writing a novel. Awards that she has won include the 2017 Scottish Book Trust ‘New Writers Award’ winner, and ‘Writing the Future’ the world’s largest health science fiction prize. She won the £10,000 prize with ‘Opsnizing Dad’, an exploration of the preservation of human memories.

Elisabeth is a senior editor for Flash Fiction at TSS Publishing and for Best British and Irish Flash Fiction 2018-2019. She studied at Oxford University and has an M.Litt. from the University of Glasgow.

She was the winner of the First Prize in the TSS Flash Fiction Competition, won second prize in The Anton Chekhov Prize, and is published in Best Microfiction 2019, amongst being shortlisted for The Best Small Fictions 2018, and for the Kathy Fish Fellowship 2018 at SmokeLong Quarterly. She is also a Bath Flash Fiction Award prize winner, with her writing  published in SmokeLong Quarterly, Atticus Review, Bath Flash Fiction Anthologies, New Writing Scotland, Flash Frontier, and b(OINK).

More details about Elisabeth can be found here on her website…


A lady lives alone on the Ardnish peninsula where no other house stands for 27 miles. Tourists drive past, stopping to buy her fruit or honey from the honesty box. She sells a goat skin to a bird watcher with dire consequences.